How Neptune Fixes Ethereum's Frontrunning Problem
December 14, 2023 by Alan Szepieniec
How Neptune Fixes Ethereum's Frontrunning Problem
Frontrunning refers to the practice of beating a victim's trading orders in the race to reach the marketplace, thereby benefiting from the old price before it changes. The practice is widespread in decentralized finance, prompting Dan Robinson and Georgios Konstantopoulos to describe Ethereum as a Dark Forest, after the novel that describes an environment so hostile that broadcasting one's location spells certain death.
The amount of money lost to frontrunning is difficult to estimate. Cybernews estimates that 280 million dollars are being lost to frontrunning on Ethereum every month. Flashbots puts the number at 600 million dollars1, but this number describes MEV (miner-extractable value), a generalization of frontrunning that includes more nefarious exploits.
Naturally, Neptune can fix this.
How Frontrunning Attacks in Decentralized Finance Work
Suppose that after a long and exhausting search that kept you up late at night, you find a cycle of digital assets along with matching liquidity pools and exchange ratios such that if you run through all the trades – trade A for B, B for C, and so on, and eventually something for A – you end up with a profit. This is an arbitrage opportunity; an option for risk-free profit. It's a competitive environment and you only managed to find this cycle by employing the right combination of cleverness and computational power. Well done! But you have to be quick, because before long someone else will stumble across this cycle.
So the last thing you do before you go to bed is broadcast the transaction. And then you sleep. It was a long day, after all.
Unfortunately, your transaction will not be mined and you will not be able to rake in the profits you were dreaming of.
The issue is that before your transaction can be executed you need to broadcast it in order for miners (or stakers) to include it in a block for confirmation. But there is a window of opportunity between broadcast and confirmation that the attacker can exploit. Since the transaction was broadcast, the attacker now knows about it. He can copy your sequence of trades and change only the end-beneficiary so as to benefit himself instead of you. And he can bump the fee (or gas cost) so as to guarantee that rational miners (stakers) prefer his transaction instead of yours.
Of course, rational miners are in on the game too and will replace the frontrunner's transaction with their own.
The problem is not limited to arbitrage trades; arbitrage just makes the benefit obvious. Whenever you initiate a transaction, frontrunners have the opportunity to insert a transaction with preferential treatment.
In terms of trades, they can benefit from the prices as they are before your trade affects them, or even engineer a price that benefits them at your expense. The price you end up trading at is rarely as beneficial as the price you observed when you initiated the trade.
Decentralized Trading with Confidential Transactions
Automatic trades on transparent blockchains suffer from drawbacks that make them inherently vulnerable to frontrunning attacks.
- Trades and the state of the market are transparent.
- Trades are broadcasted.
- There is a delay between broadcast and confirmation.
The delay comes from the fact that stakers cannot afford to propose blocks that contain conflicting transactions, so they must spend time filtering out conflicting transactions before they propose blocks. Filtering is a time-consuming process.
The need for trades to be broadcasted comes from the architecture of blockchains. Users do not know beforehand who will mine or propose the block that confirms their transaction. The best strategy to ensure that it is confirmed is to ensure that everyone capable of confirming it knows that it exists.
The transparency of trades and the state of the market is emphatically not an inherent drawback of cryptocurrencies. Indeed, transaction confidentiality is one of Neptune's major selling points.
Can Neptune's confidential transactions deter frontrunning attacks in decentralized markets? As one of the key resources available to the attacker is missing, it would seem that the answer could be "yes". A problem arises though when marrying confidential transactions with price discovery.
In the case of automatic market makers such as UniSwap, there is another compounding factor:
- Trades are executed automatically, as a by-product of mining (or staking).
Automation induces dynamics that go a long way towards explaining why automatic market makers are so popular despite the prevalence of MEV.
- The only requirement for the market to work is liquidity. Investors are rewarded for providing liquidity with a passive income at very low risk.
- The price is discovered automatically, as a by-product of traders chasing arbitrage opportunities.
- Trades are not matched with counterparts. In particular, the discovery of counterparties is not a precondition for the trade to be executed.
These problems exacerbate MEV. The presence of liquidity and the automatic price discovery benefits users but also frontrunners. Users do not need to find counterparties but neither do frontrunners.
These features require amending to the motivating question: can Neptune's transactions deter frontrunning attacks on automatic decentralized marketplaces? The answer here seems to be "no" because the public nature of the state of the market is a necessary quality for its automatic evolution. In other words, MEV is the cost of automation.
Nevertheless, the features unlocked by automation are enticing and the question remains whether confidentiality (or other features) can deter frontrunning attacks while achieving a subset of them.
An Architecture for Confidential Marketplaces
It should not be left unsaid that any smart contract deployable on Ethereum can be simulated on Neptune simply by exposing the state of UTXOs, which is otherwise concealed. The question is whether confidentiality leads to strictly better features in terms of MEV-resistance.
Two-Way Peg
Since the bulk of the capital for decentralized finance lives on Ethereum either as Eth or as ERC-20 tokens, it is imperative to build a two-way bridge pegging the price. Otherwise, we end up building an equally potent or perhaps more potent marketplace but without addressing the problem that exists on Ethereum.
A two-way bridge is relatively easy to achieve, in part because both blockchains support arbitrary logic.
From the point of view of the Ethereum blockchain, there is a smart contract whose interface supplies two end-points:
: allows the user to deposit ERC-20 tokens and bind them to a Tip5 digest, such that whoever knows the preimage of this digest can conjure a matching amount of tokens on Neptune.withdraw
: allows the user to withdraw ERC-20 tokens if he supples (a) proof of a prior deactivation transaction on Neptune, and (b) a signature valid under the public key stipulated by that withdrawal transaction.
Meanwhile, on Neptune there is a lock-free UTXO denoted bridge
which represents the other bridge head. Its type script stipulates that it can be
spent in one of two ways:
: (bridge
) --> (bridge
) Herebridge
denote UTXOs, anddeposit-proof
denote TritonVM proofs. The first proof establishes that- a deposit has been made to the Ethereum bridge head;
- this deposit has not been redeemed on Neptune yet.
The second proof establishes that
- the deposit transaction defines a digest and the transaction initiator knows the matching preimage.
UTXO is a lockable UTXO. Its typescript validates simple amounts but also uniquely identifies the bridge head as well as the ERC-20 token type. -
: (bridge
) --> (bridge
) The UTXOtoken
is destroyed. This destruction enables the withdrawal of an equal amount of tokens from the Ethereum bridge head.
Once ERC-20 tokens have crossed the bridge onto Neptune, they can be exchanged there. At that point they are indistinguishable from any other asset on Neptune, including from Neptune tokens, and therefore benefit from Neptune's strong transaction confidentiality.
Atomic Swaps on Neptune
Exchanging ERC-20 tokens on Neptune like any other Neptune asset is the first step. The next step is to ensure that trades can take place without counterparty risk.
This is easier done than said: Alice and Bob simply both sign off on a transaction that puts the agreed swap into effect. If all goes well, they broadcast the transaction and it is confirmed shortly after.
If for whatever reason Alice fails to provide Bob with her timely signature even though Bob provided his, Bob should cancel the swap by re-spending his tokens to himself. Either (a) Bob's cancellation is confirmed and neither party incurs a loss (except for transaction fees), or (b) the swap is confirmed after all. Cancellation is necessary for Bob to ensure that at some later point when he wants to spend his tokens somewhere else, no interference from Alice can prevent him.
Confidential atomic swaps cannot be detected and thus cannot be frontrun either. However, the mere capacity to do atomic swaps privately is not enough: the user also needs to find a counterparty and a reasonable price.
Decentralized Counterparty Discovery
Counterparty discovery is the process of finding another party to trade with. In abstract terms, what is needed to achieve this is a forum where market players can announce their bids and connect with other market players. A digital forum serves this purpose, and indeed the first realizations might be literal deployments of phpBB or freedit. Down the line forum administrators might condense their application to a feed of announced bids that integrates as a plugin with the Neptune core node.
The need for a forum highlights an apparent contradiction between the primary feature of any serious cryptocurrency – decentralization – and the need for centralization to disseminate information efficiently. If everyone runs their own forum they either repeat each other or they disseminate information from disparate data sets. All other things being equal, traders will find counterparties faster on the forum with more traffic. Fora benefit from network effects and therefore have a tendency to centralize.
Two remarks are in order.
- The word "decentralization" sometimes denotes the distribution of authority rather than that of information or computing power. While fora do centralize information, they are not hierarchical because anyone can start their own.
- Fora are non-exclusionary. Traders can subscribe to multiple, although every bid can only be matched to at most one counterparty, and if traders announce their bids on multiple fora they might disappoint a larger number of would-be counterparties.
Bid-feeds do not necessarily leak volume information; only price. Two parties who connect via a bid-feed based on proposing compatible prices can agree on the volume through a private channel.
On-Chain Bidding
Price discovery refers to the computational process of finding the market-clearing price, which is where which supply equals demand. The inputs to this process cannot be declared bids but have to be committed bids, because otherwise market players can manipulate the price for free. The output is the price that maximizes the trade volume.
An order book starts with a pair of lists of bids ordered by price, one for buy orders and one for sell orders. By iterating over all the prices it is trivial to find the price (or technically: the interval of prices) where supply equals demand. Whatever mechanism traders used to commit to their bids is activated for the sell orders above the price and for the buy orders under it. This activation is part and parcel of the order book; the term denotes the marketplace rather than the data structure or the algorithm.
On Neptune, committed bids can be simulated through specially prepared transactions.
Suppose that the trader who possesses bond
") whose typescript makes it spendable
- by the trader himself;
- by any transaction that allocates to the trader's public key
B tokens.
In either case, the bond
coin disappears after being spent.
As long as no order book operator has spent this UTXO, the trader can cancel the bid by using the first spending policy. Whenever a collection of mutually satisfying bids exist, anyone can play the part of the order book operator by generating market-clearing transaction that matches the bids.
Order books are less prone to frontrunning attacks compared to market makers because the only exchange that can go through is the one the trader consented to. However, there is still an unexpected factor, which is when and whether the bid will be matched. Knowledge of the announced bid may cause other traders (frontrunners?) to update their own trades, and if they are malicious, engineer a delayed or hastened match.
Segregated Mempools for Bidding
The disadvantage of this mechanism is that it is slow and incurs transaction fees both to
make bids and to revoke them. The alternative is another bid format that avoids on-chain
confirmation until the market-clearing transaction goes through (but still requires
revocations to be confirmed on chain). In this case the trader's
bid transaction consumes the UTXO containing the
As long as no order book operator has spent this UTXO, the trader can cancel the bid by spending the UTXO of the A tokens to himself. Whenever a market clearing transaction occurs at a compatible price, this transaction can be merged into it. At this point the type scripts will pass and the order book operator can generate a proof for that. The bids need to circulate in a segregated mempool shared among order book operators because Neptune nodes that are not order book operators do not accept invalid transactions and will punish peers that announce them.
Segregated bidding mempools ultimately suffer from the same drawback as on-chain bidding does: the unknown variable is the time before the order closes or whether it closes at all. Moreover, the time before it is executed gives other traders a window of opportunity to update their own bids, whether maliciously or not. While the capability to update one's bid one presents the trader with more flexibility in adapting to market conditions, it benefits the frontrunners as well.
The disadvantage of the above mechanism is that trades are still rather slow because the market clearing transaction needs to be confirmed. If instead of waiting for on-chain confirmation, traders have Lightning channels either between themselves and with the order book operator, then the market can be cleared through Lightning transactions.
To make a bid in a Lightning-based order book, the trader routes a single payment that
debits his balance with
The benefit of Lightning-based order books is twofold: (a) arbitrary thoughput capacity, since one transaction no longer competes with another for scarce blockchain space; and (b) lightning-speed settlement, which in the present context translates to decentralized high-frequency trading. The disadvantages are that they require (a) capital to be locked up in Lightning channels, and (b) bids to be tailored to the order book – making different order books exclusionary marketplaces and reinforcing the centralization paradox.
Lightning-based order books constitute a comprehensive deterrence to frontrunning because the attacker's window of opportunity is shrunk to the tiniest possible duration. It is limited not by the consensus mechanism but by the speed of computation and the propagation delay of packets on the internet.
Another Look at Automation
From the point of view of the end-user the experience of automatic markets is no different from one that is operated behind the scenes. He presses the "OK" button on a trade and it goes through. Given enough capital, the presence of operators is virtually guaranteed and with it the user experience of automation.
The differentiating factor between the order books described here and automatic market makers is not the automatic user experience but instead the mechanism that incentivizes the presence of liquidity. Specifically, liquidity providers are rewarded from day one for storing their wealth in the liquidity pool. In contrast, for the order books described here the profit comes not from sitting on liquidity but from matching orders. As a result, there is no incentive for liquidity providers to park their wealth there. Consequently, order books face a chicken and egg problem. Without trading activity, it's difficult to estimate how long your order might take to be executed. So why bother placing the first bid? From this point of view, MEV in exchange for a self-bootstrapping mechanism is a favorable tradeoff.
As trading evolves, rational traders migrate to platforms whenever they can save costs by doing so. Neptune is well suited to be the meta-platform on which this journey will continue.
- Neptune can support a two-way peg from Ethereum for ERC-20 tokens, which will make their trade on Neptune instead of Ethereum frictionless.
- Neptune supports confidential transactions for thusly wrapped tokens, which are preferable for non-trading transactions and holding.
- For trading purposes, confidential wrapped ERC-20 trades are impervious to frontrunning because they are undetectable. Fora and bid-feeds enable traders to connect with counterparties and do not need to leak trade volume.
- On-chain order books automatically discover price and have a weaker frontrunning profile relative to automatic market makers. The reason why on-chain order books on Neptune are preferable to those on Ethereum (where they are also possible) is because the trader's portfolio is not exposed. After completing a trade, the obtained tokens are withdrawn into a private wallet.
- Segregated mempools for bids accelerate price discovery relative to on-chain order books as a result of the option to update bids in one direction off-chain. The faster price discovery leads to less slippage.
- Lightning-based order books represent the next and surely also the last stage of this evolutionary process. Bids can be made and updated in both directions at the speed of light, or of whichever medium carries them. The price is discovered as quickly as the laws of nature permit. The price is discovered here first so eventually all trading will migrate here. The fast bidding and clearing is also what provides the optimal deterrence against frontrunning attacks. Moreover, Lightning-based order books have the positive externality of incentivizing order book operators to become key infrastructure providers to the Lightning network.
In the end, it's not transaction confidentiality per se that kills frontrunning attacks (although it does help). Instead, frontrunning and MEV are the necessary tradeoff that come with bootstrapping the decentralized finance ecosystem. As this ecosystem evolves, the privacy provided by Neptune might be the feature that drives volume there; and the UTXO and transaction logic of Neptune supports the next stages of its evolution. Eventually the scalable architecture of Lightning is the kingmaker.
![]() |
Fig.1: A Lightning-based order book, by Midjourney |
At time of writing, Flashbots indicates that 28061 Eth was lost to MEV in the last 30 days. The current price is 2085 USD. So 28061 × 2085 ≈ 600 million USD.